Best Contact Form for Photographers

Throughout my years as a wedding photographer I have tried many different things with my contact form and I believe I know have the recipe for the best contact form for photographers.

There are 12 things I think every wedding photographer should have in their contact form.

What is a Contact Form?

A contact form is an online form that you have on your website for potential clients to fill out when they want to get in contact with you.

1. Name and your Fiance’s Name, 2. Email, and 3. Phone Number

So the first three are pretty basic -name and your fiance’s name, phone number and email.

4. Instagram

The fourth thing I recommend asking for is their Instagram, and this is totally a business strategy.

What I think about Instagram as a wedding photographer is that it should be a very highly converting platform. So if your ideal client comes to your Instagram, they should feel when they are looking at your feed that: “This is the person for me. There is no other person that could possibly photograph my wedding because this person is so qualified, personable, has fun content.”  in an ideal world, of course.

“I wanna look like they look”, and you are providing so many resources that are so valuable that are specific to them. So for example, try to fill your Instagram with venues that some of these clients are going to, tips for getting married at that venue. You know, your Instagram should feel like it was made for them.

So when someone fill out your contact form and you have heir Instagram, you can follow them. Go into the one of their posts, comment, “hi, I’m so excited to talk to you.” Basically what you are trying to do is get your content in front of them before you even talk to them. It’s kind of like priming your audience or your potential clients before the call. You’re just trying to add value as much as possible and get them excited about the call.

5. Wedding Date, 6. Getting Ready Location, 7. Ceremony Location, 8. Reception Location 

You need their wedding date, getting ready, ceremony and reception locations. So the reason you are asking this as different questions is so that when you go into the call you already know these things and can help them visualize their day with you.

9. Ceremony Start Time

If they are able to provide you a ceremony start time, you can make them a timeline and account for travel have something put together for them.

So you’re not just selling them eight hours of photography, you are selling them a photography plan for their day. And if you know this information up front, you can just put nice things together. So that’s why I ask questions 6, 7, 8, and nine, and it’s so, so helpful.

If you are stuck on making timeline templates also, you can get my templates below here:



10. “How interested are you in ___ documenting your day?”

So I do ask this question.  I really like this question because it really helps me get to know how interested someone is.

I have four different options as answers: 1000%, 90%, Talking to a lot of photographers, and Price shopping.

So I am a crazy person with data and I actually keep statistics on how many people end up booking based on how they answer this question. So if they select 1000%, I know in my business about 90% of the time after that they’re actually going to sign a prposal. I have also determined that the 90% answer has the same conversion rate as when the click 1000%.

11. “Your budget for wedding photography:”

I put your budget for wedding photography as a dropdown or multiple choice question with four ranges.

All I’m doing with that is really making sure that their budget isn’t so low that I don’t have anything and I don’t waste their time. And that is what I say in the email I send to them also.

12. “How’d you hear about us?”

This is also a dropdown option just to keep data on this. You want to know if potential clients came from a planner, Google, Instagram, word of mouth, etc.

Set Up your Contact Form using Honeybook

I actually set up this contact form using Honeybook.

💛 50% OFF Honeybook:

Full Honeybook Walkthrough Youtube Video:

Um, so I have a lot of videos, way too many videos on Honey Book and the Honey Book course on here. So you can go through all of that, but I just embed that Honey book contact form and to show it. And I have a video specifically on how to do that here in the YouTube channel. But this is a contact form I just have for weddings.

And next week if you wanna subscribe, I’m gonna talk. Multiple contact forms in your website. And the reason for doing that is because once the couple fills out this contact form, I have an automation in HoneyBook that it’s gonna automatically respond to that to the inquiry, like respond to them and ask them to schedule a call.

So let me know if you have questions about anything I mentioned in this video, and I hope to see you guys next week here on YouTube.

You can watch the video version of this on Youtube:


If you enjoyed this blog post or Youtube video, you might also enjoy my Wedding Pricing Guide for wedding photographers, you can get here:


as well as other freebies here on the site.

And if no one had told you lately, I believe in you and your business.

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All the pretty on the daily: @samiasstudios