Youtube Channel is BACK!

The YouTube Channel is Back: An Exciting New Chapter

Hey there wedding photographers! I am thrilled to announce that YouTube channel is back, and I can’t wait to take you on this exciting journey with me. In this post, I’ll share some personal updates, insights from the off-season, and valuable lessons I’ve learned. Let’s dive in!

A New Space for Creativity

First, let’s address the big news: my new office space! My husband, Omar, and I bought our first home in December, and we’ve finally moved in. It’s been a whirlwind, but having our own space has been incredible. This is my first dedicated office, and I’m thrilled to have a place to create content and brainstorm new ideas.

I’ve already started decorating with wallpaper and plants, and I’m planning a full office tour video once everything is set up. This new office will be the hub for all my creative projects, from filming YouTube videos to organizing my photo gear. Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to personalize this space.

Reflecting on the Off-Season

The off-season is a unique time for wedding photographers. In the Virginia and D.C. area, January through March is typically slower for weddings. This year, I had one wedding in December, but no weddings for the next three months. While the break was a welcome physical rest, it also brought a mix of emotions.

For those new to the industry, the off-season can be challenging. It’s a time when networking is crucial, but it can also feel exclusive and competitive. I’ve learned that it’s important to be patient and persistent, even when invitations to industry events seem elusive.

Balancing the emotional rollercoaster of off-season work and networking is a learning curve. It’s essential to recognize that not every relationship will lead to referrals and to manage expectations accordingly. Building a solid network takes time, and it’s okay to feel a mix of success and rejection during this period.

The Impact of Social Media

Social media can be both a powerful tool and a source of stress. This off-season, I set strict boundaries for my social media use. I’ve realized that what others post is none of my business, and constantly comparing myself to others can hinder my creativity.

I now focus on creating rather than consuming content. As a visual artist, it’s vital to protect your creative space and avoid getting caught up in what everyone else is doing. This shift in mindset has allowed me to maintain a healthier relationship with social media and concentrate on my work.

Celebrating Wins and Learning to Rest

As entrepreneurs, we often struggle to rest. This off-season, I discovered the concept of seven types of rest: physical, mental, emotional, sensory, creative, social, and spiritual. Understanding that rest comes in different forms has helped me balance work and relaxation better.

I also celebrated some significant wins, such as outsourcing my photo editing and adding a videographer to my team. These achievements have streamlined my workflow and allowed me to focus on what I love most: capturing beautiful moments and growing my business.

Planning for Success

One of the tools that have helped me immensely is the Quarterly Cure by Kat Schmoyer. This program provides a framework for setting and achieving quarterly goals. By breaking down larger goals into manageable tasks, I’ve been able to stay on track and make consistent progress.

I highly recommend trying the Quarterly Cure if you’re looking for a structured approach to your business goals. It has been a game-changer for me, and I believe it can help you too.

Embracing New Opportunities

Interestingly, I’ve been photographing more proposals than ever before. While proposals used to stress me out, I’ve come to enjoy the excitement and spontaneity they bring. I’m considering recording a behind-the-scenes video on how to photograph a proposal, so keep an eye out for that!

Join the Conversation

I hope you enjoyed this update and found it insightful. I’d love to hear about your experiences during the off-season and any challenges you’ve faced. Let’s create a supportive community where we can learn and grow together.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more content on wedding photography, business tips, and personal insights. Thank you for being part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Watch the new video here:

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All the pretty on the daily: @samiasstudios